Monday, March 22, 2010

Strange are the ways of MIND!

My mind is behaving very crazy recently. I have become real lazy and so very non-social person these days.
After going home, I just sleep lethargically on the sofa and keep watching non-sense TV soaps back to back. Do not feel like calling my near and dear ones, do not feel like going out much, do not feel like blogging....

I know this is not me. With this stupid behavior I had been irritating myself. But now the irritation has reached its peak and I need to get out of this state of mind before getting trapped in it.

So here I am in process of getting back to normal, writing blog :D. In this long period when I didnt blog there were many things I felt like blogging about:
1. The awesome movie, Harishchandrachi Factory.
2. My one of the moth pathetic and unforgettable journey to Amravti.
3. People shedding inhibitions...
etc etc.

Will soon express my opinion and share m experiences. For now I am consciously working on myself :)


  1. what happened when you went to Amravati??

  2. Want any tip(s) on breaking free from this irritating jail of lethargy?
